
Contributions to books and journals in English:

Ikeda, Y., Kato, M. & Kleinknecht, A. (2024): Flexible labor, innovation regimes and the erosion of the Japanese model: Evidence from the Basic Survey on Wage Structure, Structural Change and Economics Dynamics, 70 (2024): 333-339.

Hoxha, S. & Kleinknecht, A. (2023): When structural reforms of labor markets harm productivity. Evidence from the German IAB panel, Industrial & Corporate Change, 2023: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtad060

Hoxha, S. & Kleinknecht, A. (2020): ‘When labour market rigidities are useful for innovation’, Research Policy, Vol. 49(7) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104066).

Kleinknecht, A. (2020): ‘The (negative) impact of supply-side labour market reforms on productivity. An overview of the evidence’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 44(2): 445-46.

Hoxha, S. & Kleinknecht, A. (2018): Do trustful labor-management relations enhance innovation? Evidence from German WSI data, Review of Social Economics, DOI: 10.1080/00346764.2019.1662936; 25 September 2019.

Kleinknecht, A., Kwee, Z. & Budyanto, L. (2016): Rigidities through flexibi­lity: Flexible labour and the rise of management bureaucracies, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 40(4): 1137-1147.https://alfredkleinknecht.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CJE-2016-Rigidities.pdf

Kleinknecht, A. & Kleinknecht, R.H. (2015): ‘Eroding the Made-in-Germany model: What Germans could learn from the Netherlands’, in: B. Unger (ed.), The German model seen by its neighbours, Social Europe Publishing, p. 303-326. (e-book: http://www.socialeurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/German-Model.pdf)

Vergeer, R., Kraan, K., Dhondt, S., Kleinknecht, A. (2015): Flexible labour and a firm’s labour productivity growth: The importance of the innovation regime, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, Click here

Kleinknecht, A. (2015): How ‘structural reforms’ of labour markets harm innovation, Research Paper No. 6 (July 2015), online: http://www.socialeurope.eu/#ios

Vergeer, R. & A. Kleinknecht (2014): ‘Does labor market deregulation reduce labor productivity growth? A panel data analysis of 20 OECD countries (1960-2004)’, International Labour Review, 153(3), p. 365-393. Click here

Kleinknecht, A., van Schaik, F.N. & Zhou, H. (2014): ‘Is flexible labour good for innovation? Evidence from firm-level data’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 38(5): 1207-1219. https://alfredkleinknecht.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Camb.-J.ofEc-v.Schaik-en-Zhou.pdf

Kleinknecht, A., Naastepad, C.W.M., Storm, S. & Vergeer, R. (2013): ‘Labour market rigidities can be useful. A Schum­pe­te­rian view’, in S. Fadda & P. Tridico (editors): Financial Crisis, Labour Markets and Institutions, London: Routledge, p. 175-191.

Kleinknecht, A. & Van der Panne, G. (2012): ‘Predicting new product sales: The post-launch performance of 215 innovators’, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 16, No. 2 (April), p. 1-14.

Vergeer, R. & A. Kleinknecht (2012): ‘Do flexible labor markets indeed reduce unemployment?’, Review of Social Eco­nomy, Vol. LXX (December): 451-467. https://alfredkleinknecht.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Do_Flexibel_Labor_Markets_RoSE.pdf

Kleinknecht, A. & Reinders, H.J. (2012): ‘How good are patents as innovation indicators? Evidence from Ger­man CIS data’ in M. Andersson, B. Johansson, C. Karlsson & H. Lööf (editors): Innovation and Growth – From R&D strate­gies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change, Oxford University Press 2012, p. 115-127.

Kleinknecht, A. & G. van der Panne (2011): ‘The propensity to patent an innovation: Comparing entre­pre­neu­­rial with routi­ni­zed innovators’, in D.B. Audretsch, O. Falck, S. Heblich & A. Lederer (eds., 2011): Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entre­pre­neur­ship, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, p. 439-447.

Robin,S., R. Dekker & A. Kleinknecht (2011): ‘La participation des entreprises aux PCRD européens et ses impacts: Une com­paraison France / Pays-Bas’ in: Paris: Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Industrie: L’innovation dans les entre­pri­ses. Moteurs, moyens en enjeux, p. 118-141.

Vergeer, R. & Kleinknecht, A. (2011): ‘The impact of labor market deregulation on producti­vi­ty: A panel da­ta analysis of 19 OECD countries (1960-2004)’, Journal of Post-Keynesian Eco­nomics, Vol. 33 (No. 2), p. 369-404. Click here

Zhou, H., Dekker, R. & Kleinknecht, A. (2011): ‘Flexible labor and innovation performance: evidence from longi­tudinal firm-level data’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 20 (3), p. 941-968.

Lucidi, F. & A. Kleinknecht (2010): ‘Little innovation, many jobs: An econometric analy­sis of the Italian la­bour pro­ductivity crisis’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 34(3): 525-546. Click here

Paananen, M. & A. Kleinknecht (2010): ‘Analysing innovative output in the CIS database. Factoring in some nasty de­tails’, Economia e Politica Industriale – Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 37 (1), p. 13-31.

Zhou, H., R. Dekker & A. Kleinknecht (2010): ‘The impact of labour flexibility and HRM on innovation’, in Latif Al-Hakim & Chen Jin (editors): Innovation in business and enterprise: technologies and frameworks, Hershey: IGI Global, p. 150-161.

Van Beers, C. van, A. Kleinknecht, R. Ortt & R. Verburg (2008): ‘Introduction’, in: C. van Beers et al. (edi­tors), Deter­minants of innovative behaviour, London: Palgrave, p. 1-10.

Kleinknecht, A. & G. van der Panne (2008): ‘Technology and long waves in economic growth’, in: J.B. Davis & W. Dolfsma (editors), The Elgar Companion to Social Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 597-606 (2nd ed. 2015).

Kleinknecht, A. & C.W.M. Naastepad (2007): ‘Flexible labour markets and labour pro­ducti­vity growth: is there a trade-off?’ in H. Hanusch & A. Pyka (editors): Elgar Com­pa­nion to Neo-Schumpeterian economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 647-665.

Grahl, J. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Employment through labour market flexibility? A critical appraisal of the Euro­pe­an Employment Strategy’ in J. Huffschmid (ed.): Economic policy for a social Europe, London: Palgrave, 2006, pp. 82-94.

Grahl, J. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Labour market policies: Higher standards’ in J. Huffschmid (ed.): Economic policy for a social Europe, London: Palgrave, 2006, pp. 214-222.

Kleinknecht, A. & G. van der Panne: ‘Who was right? Kuznets in 1930 or Schumpeter in 1939?’ in T.C. Devezas (ed.): Kondratieff waves, warfare and World security, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006, pp. 118-125.

Kleinknecht, A., R.M. Oostendorp, M.P. Pradhan & C.W.M. Naastepad (2006): ‘Flexible labour, firm per­for­mance and the Dutch job creation miracle’, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 20 (2006), pp. 171-187. Click here

Kleinknecht, A. & C.W.M. Naastepad: ‘The Netherlands: Failure of a neo-classical policy agenda’, Euro­pe­an Planning Studies, Vol. 13 (2005), no. 8, p. 1193-1204. Click here

Naastepad, C.W.M. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘The Dutch productivity slowdown: The culprit at last?’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 15 (2004), pp. 137-163.

Kleinknecht, A. & C.W.M. Naastepad: ‘Much Ado About Nothing? Growth, Productivity and Em­ploy­ment in the OECD’s ‘New Economy’’ in J. Ghosh & C.P. Chandrasekhar (editors): Work and well-being in the age of finance, New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2003, p. 120-146.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Causes of the Dutch job miracle: There is no free lunch!’, De Econo­mist, Vol. 151 (Sep­tem­ber 2003, no. 3), p, 329-333.

Van der Panne, G., C.P. van Beers & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Success and failure of innovation: A literature review’, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 7, No. 3 (September 2003), p. 309-338.

Ophem, H. van, E. Brouwer, A. Kleinknecht & P. Mohnen: ‘The mutual relation bet­ween pa­tents and R&D’ in A. Kleinknecht & P. Mohnen (editors): Innovation and firm perfor­mance, London: Palgrave, 2002, p. 56-70.

Kleinknecht, A. & R. Oostendorp: ‘R&D and export performance: Taking account of simu­l­tanei­ty’ in A. Kleinknecht & P. Mohnen (editors): Innovation and firm perfor­mance, London: Pal­grave, 2002, p. 310-320.

Kleinknecht, A., K. van Montfort & E. Brouwer: ‘The non-trivial choice between inno­va­tion indi­cators’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 11 (2002), p. 109-121.

Ridder, G., K. van Montfort & A. Kleinknecht: ‘The innovation decision and fixed costs’ in Z. J. Acs, H. L. F. de Groot & P. Nijkamp: The emergence of the knowledge economy. A regional perspective, Hei­del­berg: Springer, 2002, p. 81-106.

Kleinknecht, A., R.M. Oostendorp & M.P. Pradhan: ‘Patterns of flexible labour and firm performance in the Nether­lands. Exploring the OSA labour supply and demand panels’ (in Greek) in E. Kikilias & M. Chletsos (edi­tors): The system of social protection concerning unemployment, Athens & Thessaloniki: Sakkoula Publishers, 2002, p. 217-239.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Kondratieff cycles’ entry in J. Michie (editor): A Readers Guide to the Social Scien­ces, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001, p. 92-93.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Indicators of manufacturing and service innovation: Their strengths and weak­nes­ses’ in J.S. Metcalf & I. Miles (eds.): Innovation systems in the service economy, Boston: Kluwer Aca­demic Publishers, 2000, p. 169-186.

Brouwer, E., H. Budil-Nadvornikova & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Are urban agglomerations a better breed­ing place for pro­duct inno­vati­on? An analysis of new product announcements’, Regional Studies, Vol. 33.6 (1999), p. 541-549.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Innovative output and a firm’s propensity to patent. An exploration of CIS micro data’, Research Policy, Vol. 28 (1999), p. 615-624.

→ Reprinted in: A.L. Link (ed.): Entrepreneurship and Technology Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Chelten­ham/Glos.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Keynes-plus? Effective demand and changes in firm-le­vel R&D’, Cam­­brid­ge Journal of Economics, Vol. 23 (1999), p. 385-391.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Is labour market flexibility harmful to innovation?’, Cambridge Journal of Eco­no­mics, Vol. 22 (1998): 387-396.

Kleinknecht, A. & J. ter Wengel: ‘The myth of economic globalization’, Cambridge Journal of Eco­no­mics, Vol. 22 (1998): 637-647.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Measuring the unmeasurable: A country’s non-R&D ex­pen­­di­ture on pro­duct and ser­vice innovation’, Research Policy, Vol. 25 (1997), p. 1235-1242.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Literature-based innovation output measurement’ in Arundel, A. & R. Garrelfs (eds.): Inno­va­tion measurement and policies, Luxemburg: Office of the Of­ficial Publica­tions of the European Communities, 1997, p. 87-91.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Firm size, small business presence and sales of inno­va­tive pro­ducts: A micro-eco­no­­metric analysis’, Small Business Economics, Vol. 8 (1996), p. 189-201.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘New indicators and determinants of innovation. An introducti­on’ in A. Klein­knecht (edi­tor): De­terminants of innovation. The message from new indicators, Lon­don: Macmil­lan and New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996, p. 1-12.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Determinants of innovation. A micro-econome­tric analy­­­sis of three al­ter­native innovation output indicators’ in A. Kleinknecht (editor): Determi­nants of innovation. The mes­sage from new indi­ca­tors, London: Macmillan and New York: St. Mar­tin’s Press, 1996, p. 99-124.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘An innovation survey in services: The experience with the CIS ques­tion­­naire in the Netherlands’, STI-Review (OECD), No. 16 (1995), p. 141-148.

Brouwer, E., A. Kleinknecht & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘Innova­tion and em­ploy­ment growth at the firm level’, Jour­nal of Evo­lu­tio­nary Economics, Vol. 3 (1993), p. 153-159.

Kleinknecht, A. & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘Towards literature-based innova­tion output indica­tors’, Struc­tu­ral Chan­ge and Eco­no­mic Dyna­mics, Vol. 4 (1993), p. 199-207.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Recent research on Kondratieff long wa­ves’, Les Cahiers de L’A.C.­G.E.P.E. (Asso­ciation Char­les Gide pour l’Etude de la Pensée Economique), Vol. 5 (1993), p. 171-183.

→ A reprint was published in: F. Louçã & J. Reijnders (editors.): The foundations of long wave theory (Vol. II), Cheltenham/Glos: Edward Elgar, 1999, p. 343-353.

Brouwer, E. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘R&D and a firm’s export in­ten­sity: The need for ade­quate inno­va­tion measure­ment’, Konjunkturpolitik, Vol. 39 (1993), p. 315-325.

Kleinknecht, A. & T.P. Poot: ‘Do regions matter for R&D­?’ Regio­nal Stu­dies, Vol. 26 (1992), p. 221-232.

Kleinknecht, A. & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘Why do firms coop­erate on R&D? An empirical stu­dy’, Re­search Policy, Vol. 21 (1992), p. 347-360.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Commentary’ in F. M. Scherer and M. Perl­­man (edi­tors), Entre­pre­neur­ship, Tech­no­logical Inno­vation, and Economic Growth, Ann Arbor: The Uni­­versity of Michigan Press, 1992, p. 87-88.

Kleinknecht, A. & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘The experience with new innovati­on data in the Nether­lands’ STI-Review (OECD), nr. 11, December 1992, p. 63-78.

→ Simultaneously published as a French translation: ‘Les nouvelles données sur l’innovation: l’expéri­ence des Pays-Bas’, Revue STI, OCDE, no. 11.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Long-wave research: New results, new de­par­tures. An introduction’ in A. Klein­knecht, E. Man­del & I. Wallerstein (edi­tors): New Findings in Long-Wave Re­search, Lon­don: Mac­millan & New York: St. Mar­tin’s Press, 1992, p. 1-12.

Kleinknecht, A., T.P. Poot & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘Formal and informal R&D and firm size’, in Z.J. Acs and D.B. Aud­retsch (editors): Innova­tion and tech­no­lo­gi­cal change, Lon­don: Har­ves­ter-Wheat­sheaf and Ann Arbor: The University of Michi­gan Press, 1991, p. 84-108.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Firm size and innovation. Reply to Schei­rer’, Small Busi­ness Econo­mics, Vol. 3 (1991), p. 157-158.

Kleinknecht, A. & J.O.N. Reijnen: ‘More evidence on the undercoun­ting of small firm R&D’, Re­search Policy, Vol. 20 (1991), p. 579-587.

Kleinknecht, A. en B. Verspagen: ‘Dutch foreign trade and the neo-tech­nology hypo­the­sis. A note’, De Econo­mist, Vol. 138 (1990), p. 73-77.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Are there Schumpeterian waves of inno­vati­ons?’ Cambridge Jour­nal of Eco­no­­mics, Vol. 14 (1990), p. 81-92.

Kleinknecht, A. & B. Verspagen: ‘Demand and innovation. Schmookler re-examined’ Re­­search Po­­li­cy, Vol. 19 (1990), p. 387-394.

Dieperink, H., A. Kleinknecht & P. Nijkamp: ‘Innovative behaviour, location and firm size: The case of the Dutch manu­facturing indus­try’, in M. Giaoutzi, P. Nijkamp & D.J. Sto­rey (editors): Small and me­dium size enter­prises and regional deve­lopment, Lon­don: Rout­ledge, first print: 1988, second print: 1989, p. 230-246.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Firm size and innovation. Observations in Dutch manu­facturing indus­tries’, Small Bu­si­ness Econo­mics, Vol. 1 (198­9), p. 215-222.

Kleinknecht, A. & B. Verspagen: ‘R&D and market structu­re: The im­pact of measure­ment and ag­gre­­g­a­­tion pro­blems’, Small Business Eco­nomics, Vol. 1 (1989), p. 297-301.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Post-1945 growth as a Schumpeter bo­om’, Review. A Journal of the Fer­nand Brau­­­del Cen­ter, Vol. 12 (1989), p. 437-456.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Reply to R. Coombs’, De Economist, Vol. 135 (1987) p. 387-388.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Measuring R&D in small firms: How much are we mis­sing?’ Jour­nal of In­dus­tri­al Econo­mics, Vol. 36 (1987), p. 253-256.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Long waves, depression and innovati­on’, De Eco­nomist, Vol. 134 (1986), p. 84-108.

→ Reprinted in T. Vasko (edi­tor): The long wave de­bate, Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger, 1987, p. 216-238.

→ Reprinted in C. Freeman (editor): Long Wave Theory, Elgar Reference Collection; Inter­na­tional Library of Cri­tical Writings in Economics, Vol. 69, 1996, p. 336-360, Cheltenham.

Bieshaar, H. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Kondratieff long waves? Reply to S. Solomou’, Kon­junk­tur­politik, Vol. 32 (1986), p. 185-190.

→ Reprinted in: C. Freeman (editor): Long Wave Theory, Elgar Reference Collection; Inter­na­tional Library of Cri­­tical Writings in Economics, Vol. 69, 1996, p. 463-471, Cheltenham.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Prosperity, crisis and innovation pat­terns’, Cambridge Journal of Eco­no­­mics, Vol. 8 (198­4), p. 251-270.

Bieshaar, H. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘Kondratieff long waves in ag­gregate output? An econo­me­­tric test’, Konjunk­tur­po­li­­tik, Vol. 30 (1984), p. 279-303.

→ An Italian translation (‘Le onde lunghe di Kon­­dra­­tieff nella produzione ag­gre­gata? Un test eco­no­me­­trico’) was published in: M. Di Matteo & A. Ver­cel­li (editors): Onde lunghe e teoria economica, Rome: Isti­tu­to Nazi­onale per lo Studio della Congiuntu­ra, 1992: p. 117-140.

→ A reprint was published in F. Louçã & J. Reijnders (editors): The foundations of long wave theory, (Vol. I), Chelten­ham/Glos: Edward Elgar, 1999, p. 213-236.

Coombs, R.W. & A. Kleinknecht: ‘New evidence on the shift to­wards pro­cess innovation du­ring the long wave upswing’, in C. Freeman (edi­tor): Design, innovation and long cy­cles in econo­mic de­ve­lop­­ment, Lon­don: Royal College of Art, 1984, p. 127-157.

→ A reprint of the book was published by Frances Pin­ter, London 1986.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Innovation, accumulation and crisis’, Re­view. A Journal of the Fer­nand Brau­del Center, Vol. 4 (1981), p. 683-711.

Kleinknecht, A.: ‘Observations on the Schumpeterian swar­ming of inno­va­tions’, Futures, Vol. 13 (1981), p. 293-307.

→ A reprint has been published in C. Freeman (editor): Long waves in the World Econo­my, London: Butter­worths, 1983.